
make yourself at home

Hi Everyone, My name is Wes. I write songs about life, love, God, and friendship. This is my website...I made it myself. I hope that my music finds you well. Thanks for listening!

On the road with Jonathan Dunn

Well, it's been quite a week. Kelsey and I drove back 12 hours or so to Nashville from Caswell, NC. Somewhere along the way I got really sick. I've spent the last couple of days taking penicillin and trying to get rested, and I'm just about back up to speed.

All this is just in time to go out on the road with Jonathan Dunn. If you haven't heard of him, you should check out his music at http://myspace.com/jonathandunn

On monday we'll be driving to Alabama to play a week-long summer camp. It should be a great time. I'll post updates whenever I've got internet on the road.

Lost was amazing last night. Did anybody catch this commercial? http://www.octagonglobalrecruiting.com/

Fort Caswell NC - Days 2 & 3

It's been a good weekend. We've got one more session tomorrow morning. Here are some pics from the last couple of days.

My drum rig in the auditorium

Ocean in the distance

Fort Caswell

Part of the fort

Another beautiful sunset

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Fort Caswell NC - Day 1

Hello from the beach. After a long drive from Nashville, Josh, Kelsey, and myself are in Fort Caswell NC preparing for music tomorrow. Here are a few pics from the road today:

Orange tank in Knoxville TN

Ah, the priceless things you'll see at truck stops

Delicious seafood dinner

Beautiful Sunset

Howard the crab

Howard and I are making the same face

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how to have a rehearsal in one minute


Andrea's Art Vol 3 - Alternate Album Covers

Alternate Album Covers



There are few things so delicious as this:

Some thoughts about prayer

Well, we've had quite a few blog postings on the silly side of things lately, but I wanted to share with you all a bit of where my heart has been the last couple of months.

As I've been venturing into the world of being a full-time musician, I've been making plans and arranging my schedule, treading at times into uncharted waters. Music has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember, but I've never been dependent on music to eat, pay my rent, pay back my student loans. Add to this the recent hike in gas prices (which has, in turn, started to make EVERYTHING more expensive), and sometimes I can't help thinking,

"Wow, I picked a really fine time to let go of my job and make a living on the road!"

Through all of this, I've really been challenged to change the way I look at prayer. Traditionally, my thought has been somewhere along the lines of:

"Well, I'm just going to do the best that I can, and then I'll trust God for the rest."

But lately, I can't help thinking that this train of thought is backwards or just plain wrong. Let me explain: a couple of months ago, I was at a church here in Nashville when the pastor said,

"If we really believe that God answers prayer, then why isn't prayer the VERY FIRST thing we do before undertaking anything?"

It seems so simple, but it really struck a note of profundity with me. He is so right! Why is it that I wait until I don't know where I'm at or where I'm going before turning to God for direction? Why is it that I wait until a situation becomes dire before asking for intervention or provision?

I'd like to challenge you to keep that in mind as you go about your day to day motions. It's been a process for me, but I'm learning to turn to prayer at the start of things instead of after they get messy. And when I really stop to think about it, it only makes sense to do things this way. If God's not in my actions in the first place, they're already doomed to failure or shortcoming. So, I find myself asking on almost a daily basis,

"God, where is it that you want me to go? What is it you want me to do? How do you want me to handle this?"

Here's the good part: when God opens doors and gives direction, he backs you up the whole way. Does that mean that I don't have to work and sweat and bleed and cry and struggle? No! Certainly not! But what it DOES mean is that even when you end up in a place where you feel like your flailing, your not. If God challenges you to do something or gives you an opportunity, he's not going to leave you flailing. The confidence that comes with that understanding is incredible.

It's like playing football with the biggest kid in the neighborhood on your team. What do you do? You hand him the ball and watch him run over the other team. Or if he hands you the ball, you run behind him while he blocks for you. At the end of the day, you're reminded that you won because you've got the big kid on your team, but it doesn't take anything away from the game. You just make sure to be on the same team with the big kid the next time you play.

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Giant Cow

Popsicle Stick Riddles

A few weeks ago, I had my wisdom teeth out. My diet in the days following the surgery consisted mostly of Jello and popsicles. Now, one of the best things about eating a popsicle is the riddles that are on the stick. The part you hold has the riddle, and the answer is hidden underneath the popsicle itself. Allow me to share some of the comic genius with you:

What do you find in the middle of nowhere?
The letter H

What is the most musical bone?
A trombone

Why did the child keep staring at the car stereo?
Because he wanted to watch a cartoon

These jokes are truly epic. Seriously, I don't know why the Popsicle folks decided it was a good idea for people to groan after eating one of their products.

If you've got some good riddles to share, please feel free to add them in the comments section below.


Andrea's Art: Haiku This!!!

So, at this point, you've all experienced the amazing visual art of Andrea. What you may not realize is that she is also a talented poet. Here is a sample of a few of her haikus. Please enjoy:

Growth of my heart
Mountains of arteries
Love or Bypass?


Love me tender
tenderloin steak
steak = dead cows


"victory is sweet"

the war is raging
m&m's vs skittles
i poop out the winner


tears of a reindeer
melting snow
santa is dead

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My Furry Room Mates

For the last couple of months, these guys have been in my foster care. They make good room mates.
(and yes, i know that Tess and Tab are both girl names, but i'm not the one who named them)

Nashville Show Added (with poem)

Wednesday, May 14th, Edgehill Studios:

Acoustic show
with friends Sara Beth and Beau Bristow
If you've got 3 bucks, you need to go
If you don't show
believe me, we'll know.
and our sadness, it will truly grow
and you'll become not friend but foe.
so, get in your car, with friends in tow
Head down to Edge Hill Studio.

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Andrea's Art Vol. 2

I've already introduced you to Andrea and her genius artwork. Please enjoy some more of her beautiful creations.

Click on each drawing to download.




*Disclaimer: Michael Bolton, Michael Bolton's Hair, and Michael Bolton's Beautiful Singing Voice are in no way affiliated with Wes or wespickering.com. We're not even sure if Michael Bolton actually has claws or wears Gap Lady Shirts.


"wes is more" tshirts now available!

Alrighty....it's finally here! You can now be the proud owner of your very own wes is more tshirt. As you can see from the pictures below, this is one oh-so-fine, high-quality garment. No assembly required!



Only $15 + S&H
Shirts are Black Tultex Unisex Tee. Sizing options are S, M, L,and XL.


Hey everyone! Come and see how good I look!

Looks good on the ladies!

Looks good on the fellas too!




Order your wes is more tshirt today!


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Coming soon....tshirts!!

Drumroll please....

Ladies and gentlemen, your days of poor fashion choices are about to be over! I'm please to announce that in just a few days, you will be able to purchase your very own Wes Pickering tshirt. I drove out to Franklin today to pick them up. I'm talking SWEET.

It's got everything! Style, wit, class, tear-away tag, it even folds itself. Well, maybe not that, but it's pretty wizard.

I don't have pictures yet, but I'm going to get some of my beautiful friends to model them for you this weekend.

Best of all, they make hugging even more comfortable.

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It is finished...it has begun

Well, after many many many hours of trial and error (b/c I am no web-design expert), I've finally got the rest of the site looking like it should. Please enjoy.

There are little random things scattered around on each page that are fun to look at, so take your time and explore.

Also, because of the new and improved format, I'll be updating stuff on a much more regular basis. Be sure to subscribe to the feed to hear about all the latest updates.

grace and peace,


Mobile Update

Look mom! No computer! I can update this here blog from my phone.

Andrea's Art Vol. 1

My friend Andrea is a waitress. She is also an actor, director, artist, poet, and humorist. In short, she may be the most creative person I know, but her creativity has never been fully tapped into.


I'm making it my personal mission to give the gift of Andrea's art to the world. Purely as a bonus for myself, she happens to enjoy tailoring her artwork to fit requests.

Last night, I played a show at Nashville's The Basement venue. In honor of this show, she made me some posters that I can use to market future shows. I wish to share these amazing works of art with you. Please enjoy the fabulous art of Andrea:

80s Wes

Wes and Grendel

Wes Dance Moves


Wes and Cyclopse
This one nicely incorporates the lyrics to my song "Looking With Me"

Wes's New Sport

Please Note: Wes in NO WAY condones the wearing of a tu-tu, unitard, or the hugging of a scantily clad cyclops. These things are possibly (very likely, actually) harmful to your physical, mental, and spiritual health.


New Website

Welcome to the new website. I decided to go with a home page that's a little bit more blog friendly. What does this mean for you? It means that I will be able to stay in touch a little better, and that my website will be updated every couple of days instead of every couple of months.

For the moment, the rest of the website is still using the old model (which i think looks pretty nice). If I were a real web designer, I'd have everything looking all consistent, neat, and pretty, but what would the fun in that be?


p.s. Coldplay's new single is available for free. I'll save you the trouble of having to go sign up on their website. It's pretty amazing. Buy the cd when it comes out:


Photo Journal

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    I want one of these.
    No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission.
    I'll find something to put down here | Sometimes I read the news.