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Andrea's Art Vol. 1

My friend Andrea is a waitress. She is also an actor, director, artist, poet, and humorist. In short, she may be the most creative person I know, but her creativity has never been fully tapped into.


I'm making it my personal mission to give the gift of Andrea's art to the world. Purely as a bonus for myself, she happens to enjoy tailoring her artwork to fit requests.

Last night, I played a show at Nashville's The Basement venue. In honor of this show, she made me some posters that I can use to market future shows. I wish to share these amazing works of art with you. Please enjoy the fabulous art of Andrea:

80s Wes

Wes and Grendel

Wes Dance Moves


Wes and Cyclopse
This one nicely incorporates the lyrics to my song "Looking With Me"

Wes's New Sport

Please Note: Wes in NO WAY condones the wearing of a tu-tu, unitard, or the hugging of a scantily clad cyclops. These things are possibly (very likely, actually) harmful to your physical, mental, and spiritual health.


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