
make yourself at home

Hi Everyone, My name is Wes. I write songs about life, love, God, and friendship. This is my website...I made it myself. I hope that my music finds you well. Thanks for listening!

Best Camp Ever

No, really....that's what it's called! I've got a tshirt to prove it. This past week was fantastic. I was at "Best Camp Ever" in Oklahoma and met lots of new friends. Highlights of the week:

  • Oklahoma kids are awesome!
  • Jonathan Dunn and I learned how to wakeboard
  • Zane Black wears a lot of pink
  • Worship times were spectacular
  • Small group time with the Junior/Senior guys was really special
  • Ice Cream almost every night
  • Running with Seth and Trevor
  • Still undefeated in ping pong this summer
All in all, it was a great week. On the way home, Forrest took us a good 3 hours out of the way by heading the wrong direction on I40, but we had a fun time hanging out on the drive.


Some Photos from California

Here are some pictures from my time with North Phoenix Baptist Church.


Happy and Itchy

i'm back in Nashville. I spent the morning at Portland Brew drinking iced coffee and reading The Shack. Not quite finished yet.

Last week was an awesome time spent with the folks from Brainerd Baptist Church from Chattanooga. We had an awesome time up in Ocoee, TN, hanging out on the lake, swimming, tubing, singing, and being eaten by millions of bugs. It's been fantastic to get to know so many great people in the last couple of weeks.

Monday night, I'll be playing a show at Third and Lindsley here in Nashville. Also on the bill are Andrew Osenga, Emily Deloach, and Lindsey Jones. Things get kicked off at 8pm; if you're anywhere Nashville, I hope you'll join us.

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    I'll find something to put down here | Sometimes I read the news.