
make yourself at home

Hi Everyone, My name is Wes. I write songs about life, love, God, and friendship. This is my website...I made it myself. I hope that my music finds you well. Thanks for listening!

Bluegrass Gospel Trio


Wise Virginia

Spent the last week with Josh Wilson and Jonathan Dunn in Wise VA. If you look on the ATT wireless coverage map, there is a little black spot in Virginia. That's where we were. Luckily, in the tiny town of Wise, there is a little coffee shop called Harvest Time Coffee. They have great espresso and wireless internet. We went every day and got served by a fellow musician named Baker. Baker is one cool guy.

I'm writing from a Panera Bread Company in Chatanooga TN. We're getting ready to head out for another week of camp, this time with the folks from Brainerd Baptist Church. I am told that this next camp is going to be even more remote than last week's. So, I'll see you all on the other side.

We'll be home on July 4th. I love you.


California....not Arizona

Hey all....last week I thought that I was going to be in Phoenix, but as it turns out, I was in California with a bunch of awesome folks from AZ. I had an awesome time hanging out with everybody there, playing music, and going to starbucks every day with Sara Beth, Corn, and Jonathan. Here are some pics from the week:

The view from the plane flying in

Driving up the mountain

6000 feet up

Jonathan is classy

Jazz Hands

Beautiful California

North Phoenix Baby!

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Video Update: My New Friend

Today I bought a new/old guitar from a guy off of craigslist. It's a Larivée. Here's a little video introduction to him:

You'll be hearing a lot more from him in the coming months.

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Aniston, AL - Day 3

A busy day:

  • Morning Music
  • Home-made breakfast
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Lunch in town with Lucas Costner (traveling to places near where your friends live is fun)
  • Starbucks
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Rehearsal
  • Dinner
  • Evening Music
  • Redneck Games (wha??)
  • A rousing game of Mafia

I'm tired...time for bed.


Aniston, AL - Day 2

Here are some pics from today:

We went to Wal Mart and Kelsey got tired of walking

Forest pushed the cart so Kelsey could have a break.

There are some students from Tevecca at the camp...one of them is Dwight Schrute

Jonathan played a solo show this evening.

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Aniston, AL - Day 1

Hello from the road. This week I'm playing at a camp in Aniston AL. The drive down from Nashville took about four hours. We took two cars and most of the way here, Jonathan and I drove behind Forest (our guitar player for the week).
Forest is the world's worst driver.

Those of you who've been on long drives with me before know that I'm a bit of a nervous passenger. 18-wheelers make me antsy, people who swerve make me antsy, motorcycles make me antsy. Forest is in the second category. There is no rhyme or reason to the way he drives (unless it's that he wants to get killed and take a few other folks out with him).

There were a few pleasant things on the drive though.

The clouds were beautiful.

Congrats to Robert Long (pictured on the back of the truck): member, One Million Mile Club.

More tomorrow!



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    I'll find something to put down here | Sometimes I read the news.